We guarantee 100% of collections

Stop chasing unpaid balances. Eliminate payment delinquency, save time and put your AR management on Auto-Pilot

Automated and guaranteed monthly payments

Save time and put your community management back-office on Auto-Pilot

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Top Benefits

The Future of Association Payments is Here

Guaranteed income

Ensure 100% on-time payment of dues to your associations, eliminating payment delays

24/7 Support

Personalized support to homeowners through email, phone, and SMS

Zero delinquency

Associations receive the guaranteed amount whether homeowners pay or not. No more stress.

Benefits for Community Managers

Streamline your back-office with automation and embrace the future of community management.

New product to differentiate with clients

Unlock new revenue opportunities by offering Alex to your clients.

Bank reconciliation

Automate payment reconciliation with real time visibility.

Free up time to grow your business

Unburden your team from repetitive manual tasks so they can focus on strategical matters.

Get Started

It has never been easier to manage your communities

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Community management on auto-pilot.